In this paper we examine the role of events within a theory of lexical semantics. Useful for students and scholars in semantics and syntax as well as the. Lexical semantics, syntax, and event structure request pdf. Syntax, lexical semantics, and event structure oxford studies in theoretical linguistics malka rappaport hovav, edit doron, ivy sichel this book focuses on the linguistic representation of temporality in the verbal domain and its interaction with the syntax and semantics. Gl does not enumerate senses, but allows meaning to be. Lexical semantics, syntax, and event structure oxford scholarship. Lexical semantics, syntax, and event structure oxford. Hagit borer, university of southern california advisory editors. Find materials for this course in the pages linked along the left.
Syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and acquisition georgetown university round table on languages and linguistics proceedings. Adrian akmajian 12 it was noted earlier that semantics was first used to refer to the change in meaning. Syntax, lexical semantics, and event structure oxford studies in theoretical linguistics syntax, lexical semantics, and event structure oxford studies in theoretical linguistics this book focuses on the linguistic representation of temporality in the verbal domain and its interaction with the syntax and semantics of verbs, arguments, and. Morphological aspect and the function and distribution of. Lexical items compose with event pred icates through the usual syntactic operations, and this results in the situation that mandarin chinese builds event structure in syntax. This book focuses on the linguistic representation of temporality in the verbal domain and its interaction with the syntax and semantics of verbs, arguments, and modifiers. The emergence of argument structure in two new sign languages irit meir. Event structure, conceptual spaces and the semantics of verbs. Request pdf lexical semantics, syntax, and event structure this book focuses on the linguistic representation of temporality in the verbal domain and its interaction with the syntax and. We propose a configurational theory of event structure and examine how it contributes to a lexical semantic theory for natural language.
Leading scholars explore the division of labour between syntax, compositional semantics, and lexical semantics in the encoding of event structure, encompassing event participants and the temporal properties associated with events. What about lexical semantics if syntax is the only. Calendar argument structure and syntax linguistics and. Section 3 discusses conditions on argument realization proposed by. Lexical semantics and inference inferences play a role in determining lexical semantic structure regularities in the interaction between syntax and word meaning from semantic features of the word needed therefore. Pdf event structures in linguistic form and interpretation. Lexical semantics is the branch of linguistics which is concerned with the systematic study of word meanings. Event structure is defined as the semantic relation of a verb and its syntactic properties.
Gl is a theory of lexical semantics that spreads the semantic load across all words of the sentence. The syntax of event structure university of rochester. Despite the different tools, approaches, and questions with which lexical semantics, logical semantics, and syntax are concerned, there is now enough convergence on events that productive dialogue between these areas can advance our understanding. Specifically, it takes issue with event schema versions of the sdh applied to the english ditransitive alternation give send jesse the gunthe gun to jesse, which claim a. Ling%522% lexical%semantics% university of arizona. In particular, we argue that an event structure can provide a distinct and useful level of representation for linguistic analysis involving the aspectual properties of verbs. Among the many collections on eventbased semantics and syntax. Download it once and read it on your kindle device, pc, phones or tablets. The aim of this paper is to integrate spatial cognition with lexical semantics. I present a model that is internalist in the chomskyan sense. Event structure is just one level of the semantic specification for a lexical item, along with subcategorization, argument structure, and qualia structure. We argue that our framework provides a unified account for a. Edited by malka rappaport hovav, edit doron, and ivy sichel.
This paper explores the semantic consequences of the principle of containment embodied by the popular assumption that word formation is entirely syntactic and that there is no generative lexicon. Syntax, lexical semantics, and event structure oxford. Structuring events presents a novel semantic theory of lexical aspect for anyone interested in the study of verb meanings. This book focuses on the linguistic representation. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading syntax, lexical semantics, and event structure oxford studies in theoretical. In section 3, firstly, the relation of lexical event structure theory to other lexical semantic theories will be discussed and, secondly, i will present some considerations about which kinds of phenomena a lexical semantic theory of verbs has to deal with. This text focuses on the linguistic representation of temporality in the verbal domain and its interaction with the syntax and semantics of verbs, arguments, and modifiers. Syntax, lexical semantics, and event structure oxford studies in theoretical linguistics book 27 kindle edition by rappaport hovav, malka, doron, edit, sichel, ivy. In section 1, the general methods of lexical semantics are explored, with particular attention to how semantic features of verbs are associated with grammatical patterns. Syntax the part of linguistics that studies sentence structure. Meaning, metaphor, and argument structure journal of. Last, lexical eventive information is hypothesized to be linked to the moduleattribute representation of verbal semantics. First, we introduced our main focus lexical semantics, and broke this topic down from the existing wiki stub into three specific sections. Leading scholars explore the division of labour between syntax, compositional semantics, and lexical semantics in the encoding of event structure, encompassing event participants and the temporal properties associated with.
The models are then used to present a semantic theory of verbs. Only some lexical semantic roots are morphological roots. Lexical semantics, syntax, and event structure book, 2010. Download syntax, lexical semantics, and event structure. It also plays a role in the temporal sequencing of discourse, and is a semantic category that concerns.
This is, in the end, an attempt for a minimalist theory of aktionsart. Request pdf lexical semantics, syntax, and event structure this book focuses on the linguistic representation of temporality in the verbal domain and its. We develop cognitive models of actions and events based on conceptual spaces and vectors on them. Lexical semantics, syntax, and event structure sil international. We propose a twovector model of events including a force vector and a result vector. Then, lexical event structures as a means for representing verb meanings will be introduced. In event structure in syntax 14585, lisa travis argues for a syntactic side to the substructure of events in terms of an articulated vp structure. The intralexical structure of chinese based on the wordnet model of lexical semantic relations is explored through postulating the new concept of paranymy. Syntax, lexical semantics, and event structure oxford studies in theoretical linguistics.
He has published the semantics of locative prepositional phrases in english 1995, nary quantifiers and the expressive power of dpcompositions 2005, and event structure and argument structure of korean predicates 2007. Morphological aspect and the function and distribution of cognate objects across languages chapter. Structuring events presents a novel semantic theory of lexical aspect for anyone interested in the study of verb meanings provides an introduction to aspectual classes and aspectual distinctions. Behavior of word as a function and how it maps to syntax event structure. Because an event structure is recursively defined in the syntax, event type is also a property of phrases and sentences. Provides an introduction to aspectual classes and aspectual distinctions.
There must be at least one argument xp in the syntax per subevent in the event structure. A syntactic structure of lexical verbs by nobue mori dissertation submitted to the faculty of the graduate school of the university of maryland, college. Lexical aspect is a stock concept of natural language semantics that intersects with grammatical aspect, tense, adverbial modification, the syntax and semantics of quantification and various expressions of quantity, argument structure, and linking at the lexical semantics syntax interface. Utilizes case studies to present a novel semantic theory of lexical aspect and compare it with alternative theories. Lexical semantics, syntax, and event structure authors. Syntax, lexical semantics, and event structure semantic scholar. Pdf event structure, conceptual spaces and the semantics.
Lexical semantics, syntax, and event structure ebook. I primarily focus on the semantic underpinnings of argument realization, i. The syntax of event structure james pustejovsky 1 introduction recent work in linguistic theory has stressed the important role that structured lexical representations can play in natural language, for example, the emergence of argument structure as a distinct level of representation grimshaw, 1990. In this paper i explore the interface between syntax and lexical semantics, and in particular how lexical meaning is structured and what this may or may not tell us about syntax. On the morphosyntax of anticausative verbs artemis. The editors have provided an excellent introduction pp. Introduction lexical semantics choice of preposition is.
The papers represent a gamut of theoretical approaches, but the majority are couched in the chomskyan tradition. In event structure and ergativity end page 671 187238, e lizabeth r itter and s arah r osen also defend a syntactic view of event, though on a structurally higher level. If youre looking for a free download links of syntax, lexical semantics, and event structure oxford studies in theoretical linguistics pdf, epub, docx and torrent then this site is not for you. Syntax, lexical semantics, and event structure oxford studies in theoretical linguistics malka rappaport hovav, edit doron, ivy sichel this book focuses on the linguistic representation of temporality in the verbal domain and its interaction with the syntax and semantics of verbs, arguments, and modifiers. According to the principle of containment, the analysis and structure of a given form must also be contained within the analysis of any structure derived from that form. Lexical semantics an overview sciencedirect topics. Thanks to the audience of the israel science foundation research workshop on syntax, lexicon, and event structure, honouring anita mittwoch on her eightieth. Rather, what we attempt to show, in broad outline, is the relevance of event structure to lexical semantics and linguistic theory in general. The mapping between syntax and event structure has also emerged as an important area of research. Bloomfield an american linguist in 1933 noted a number of types, each given a traditional name. Syntax, lexical semantics, and event structure hardcover.
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